Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Story ideas for Rove/Dean debate

1. Story about the actual event. Why is the debate being held in Macky? How many people were there? How many people were in the Glenn Miller Ballroom watching the live broadcast? What questions did students ask? What topics did Rove/Dean cover? What did they say about each topic? What did students attending the debate think about it? Whose position did they agree with more (in relation to each topic or as a whole)? Why? Note any reactions the audience has during the debate (do they gasp? When? Then ask audience members about it afterward). Also, ask professors, Boulder citizens, etc. in the audience what they thought about the debate (see questions for students above).

2. When was the first Rove/Dean debate? Where did it take place? What topics did it cover? Who argued what position? Have any other Rove/Dean debates taken place since then? Where/when etc. If can contact someone who attended those debates in past, do. If not, get student quotes on what they think the CU debate will be like.

3. Interview students to see how they feel about the debate. Are they excited that Rove/Dean are coming to CU, or could they care less? Why or why not? What positions do they think Rove/Dean will take on certain issues? Why? Whose position do they support on each issue? Why?

4. The Battle of Boulder: Why do they think Rove/Dean are coming here in the first place? What makes CU a desirable place to hold a Rove/Dean debate? How long can it go (is there a limit)? What other cities have they done this debate in? Is it part of a series of debates held at colleges? If so, how have they been received on other campuses? Are they getting a kick out of trying to piss each other off? Contact students/student group reps at other colleges, as well as CU’s Distinguished Speakers Board.

5. Story focusing on the difference in Rove/Dean’s political philosophy. What does Rove think about Dean’s/Obama’s position on health care reform? Why does he think it? What does Rove think about the position the middle class is in because of the failing economy and how that translates into the health care sector? What does Dean think about Rove’s/Bush’s position on health care reform? Why does he think it? Does Dean think Rove/Bush are to blame for the death of the middle class? Why? What do students think about Rove/Dean’s position on health care reform?

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